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Hand Therapy

Our hands are integral body parts for our everyday living. Hands are complex in their design and specific therapy, guided by well-researched protocols, is necessary for rehabilitation of hand injuries. 

Image by Tom Claes



Pressure garments


Splinting the finger, hand, wrist, elbow or upper arm - for protection, immobilization and therapeutic programmes.

Fabrication of pressure garments for scars, oedema (swelling) and mobilization of joints. Massaging for skin mobilization and scar maturation.

Using well-researched protocols to guide mobilization and restoration of hand function after an injury/surgery.

Using well-researched protocols to guide mobilization and restoration of hand function after an injury/surgery.


Tendon Injuries

Nerve Injuries

Persisting pain

Burns / Scars / 


Deformities / 


Scar and Oedema Management


Whether your scarring comes from burn wounds or from injury/surgery, your therapist will be able to assist you with the management thereof. When scar management is started timeously, scars will be guided to mature in more aesthetical and function enabling ways. 


Pressure garments are fabricated from a two-way stretch material, which allows for constant pressure to be applied over the area of the scar. Pressure therapy assists in the breakdown of scar tissue and guides your body on how to lay new scar tissue down - in patterns that allow for movement to occur, as well as preventing or treating hypertrophic scars. 


Scar massaging techniques are used and taught to individuals, when these are necessary. 


Silicone gel sheets are necessary at times to keep scars moist, to soften them and thus speed up the healing process. Silicone is used with other therapies, not just by itself. 


Oedema and lymphoedema

Oedema refers to swelling caused by injury or even without injury. If swelling does not subside naturally, your body requires assistance through compression, massaging, or movement. 

  • Oedema management can include pressure garment material, self-massage techniques and guided movement programmes. 


Lymphoedema is caused by inadequate function lymph reabsorption by the lymphatic system.

  • Lymphoedema management requires medically graded compression garments,  exercise programmes, dietary assessments, self-lymph drainage techniques, as well as possibly manual oedema massage techniques. 



Pressure garment glove
Pressure garment glove
Pressure garment glove
Pressure garment glove

Vocational Rehabilitation

Occupational Therapists function as the link between the medical world and the world of work - regarding how to return to work and in what capacity.

Engaging in simulated work tasks during therapy to reintegrate back into work tasks optimally and safely.

Following a programme of gradual return to work that is specific to each individual. 

Adapting or altering a person's work environment to enable them to carry out their duties efficiently.

Liaising with an individual's employer to negotiate reasonable accommodation at work - line with the Labour Relations and Employee Equity acts

​​​Who qualifies for Vocational Rehabilitation?

  • Private/medical aid cases

  • Injury On Duty (IOD) cases


  • Physical vocational rehabilitation

  • Psychiatric vocational rehabilitation


These services may include work-site visits, therapy at the practice, as well as therapy at the location of a person's work. 

Psychiatric Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapists assist with enabling restoration of functional engagement in work-life. A person's social, emotional, cognitive and physical abilities can be negatively impacted by a mental illness, and therefore people often struggle to engage in work and socializing with others. 

Conditions usually include, but are not limited to:





Mood disorders



Adult Autism

More and more adults are being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Occupational therapy plays a crucial role in supporting adults with ASD to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. It focuses on helping individuals develop the skills needed to participate in everyday activities and overcome challenges they may face.

Activities of Daily Living

Assist with Daily living activities such as getting dressed, grooming, cooking, community mobility, financial management, managing pets and others, and managing household chores.

Sensory Processing

Adults with autism often experience sensory sensitivities or difficulties. OTs can help identify and manage sensory triggers, providing strategies to cope with sensory overload or under-responsivity.

Communication and 

social skills

Improving communication skills, such as body language, facial expressions, and verbal communication. Additionally, they can help individuals develop social skills, including understanding social cues, maintaining eye contact, and engaging in conversations.

Vocational and leisure skills

OTs can help individuals develop skills related to work or leisure activities. This may involve job training, exploring hobbies, or finding suitable employment options.


Occupational therapy (OT) plays a vital role in helping individuals recover from strokes or brain injuries. OTs work to improve a person's ability to perform daily activities and regain independence.

Motor Function

Brain Sketch
Physical Therapy Session






Brainstorm to Success
School Supply

Return to

Work or


Activities of Daily Living

Helping a Disabled Friend
Working from Cafe



Assistive Devices

Occupational therapists (OTs) play a crucial role in selecting, fitting, and training individuals on the use of assistive devices. These devices can help people with disabilities or functional limitations perform daily activities more independently

Mobility Aids

Assistive Eating Devices

Communication Devices

Assistive Technology for Daily Living

Occupational Therapy Assessments

Functional Capacity Evaluations

Disability discs

Medical aid assessments

Insurance assessments

Worksite assessments​

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52 Tanner Street, Windsor Park, Gape Gate,

Cape Town

Email Enable Occupational Therapy

021 987 0111

065 665 8312



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